What's New in Version 9.0

Features for SIMetrix and SIMPLIS


A new optimiser finds the component values and parameters that achieve the best results for a circuit design.

The optimiser works with both SIMetrix and SIMPLIS and is driven by an easy-to-use GUI.

More info

Features for SIMetrix

LTspice® Model Support

Some device manufacturers provide models designed only for LTspice®. Many such models use non-standard devices not supported by other simulators.

SIMetrix can now accept many of the non-standard devices and so be able to run LTspiceĀ® models without requiring modification.

In addition, SIMetrix can load LTspice® symbol files and schematics

Features for SIMPLIS

64-bit Verilog-HDL Simulator Support

SIMPLIS VH now ships with an additional module that supports co-simulation with 64bit Verilog-HDL simulators.

See Also

Release Notes for version 9.00

Other Versions

9.20Release Notes, What's New
9.10Release Notes, What's New
8.50Release Notes, What's New
8.40Release Notes, What's New
8.30Release Notes, What's New
8.20Release Notes, What's New
8.10Release Notes, What's New
8.00Release Notes, What's New
7.20Release Notes
7.10Release Notes
7.00Release Notes